The Cloud made two major promises to the enterprise: the first was greater business agility, and the second was lower costs. Whilst few would argue that cloud hasn’t delivered on agility – the sheer speed at which things can be done - the jury is firmly out when it comes to cost control. Indeed many enterprises face distinct challenges.
Gone are the comfortable norms of traditional Cap-Ex based budgeting, replaced with a myriad of pricing models. An approach which can seem a viable business model at an enterprise level (thousands of servers) can see costs proliferate in the detail, as tens of thousands of configurable items are tuned by development teams - which may number in the hundreds: the technology scales scale, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that the pricing model does. Extricating working systems from bad cost models is painful, difficult and retrograde
So how do enterprises keep costs under control and maintain agility? How do you exit mistakes and ensure you minimise them? Join us at this live web seminar as our expert panel discusses best practise for cloud financial management, and how enterprises can more effectively forecast spending, control costs, and ensure optimal usage and return on investment whether their apps are in the cloud, the data centre or both.

Adrian Bradley
Director - Head of Technology Architecture Capability Group - KPMG UK
View presenter infoAs the lead for the Technology Architecture practice within CIO Advisory, Adrian helps clients to transform and manage the technology platforms (especially cloud) which enable them to compete within their markets. His background is in the Oil & Gas, Utilities and Telco sectors, where his strategy and delivery roles have included managing the operations of a 30-strong team of architects at a FTSE100 company, revamping the Enterprise Architecture function at a leading UK retailer to support faster, higher-quality delivery, leading a 40-person team defining and implementing the IT infrastructure of a newly divested FTSE 100 company, pioneering the storage and processing of mega volumes of seismic data in the public cloud, and delivering a 25% infrastructure cost reduction for a FTSE 100 company.
Adrian also has extensive experience in IT sourcing, especially infrastructure and cloud, as a third party adviser on several large outsource deals.
Emma leads the IT Financial Management practice within CIO Advisory where she helps clients understand and manage their IT Costs, driving efficiencies and value add. Emma has transformed the way clients are able to view their financial performance bringing transparency and actionable insights. Her background is in the Financial Services sector, where her strategy and delivery roles have included, transforming the IT Cost Model, automated Financial and operational reporting to give clear insight and take out opportunities of several millions and managing the 20+ strong team of analysts at a FTSE100 company to govern all IT spend.
Emma has led commercial negotiation of IT agreements through divestment and structured IT financial reporting at the start of $bn IT transformational programmes particularly around Benefits Realisation for Global companies. With the advent of Cloud, Emma is helping clients to understand complex pricing models and optimise their operating models, taking cost out.