Event details
2022-10-13 13:00:00
2022-10-13 14:00:00
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About this webinar:
The phishing tactics used by attackers range from the simple to the highly sophisticated. These days, enterprise email gateways will stop most of the former, the emails with unconvincing and badly worded messages from 'IT support' imploring the recipient to click on a link. But the fact they still get sent tells us that some do get through.But the more sophisticated attacks are multilayered, subtle, and convincing enough to fool even the most diligent and security conscious individual if caught at a moment of weakness - when rushing to get something done we are all prone to lapses in concentration, and it only needs to happen once.
Protecting an organisation against phishing attacks involves people, process and technology. Education is a critical factor, but the generic, annual hour long cyber session isn't going to cut it. Similarly, phishing filters are an essential component, but are prone to letting the well crafted messages through or to deluging the IT department with false positives.
Most important is understanding the shifting tactics used by attackers, so that the organisation is prepared and equipped to meet the threat. Join us for this web seminar when we'll be talking about the evolving phishing threat and the best ways to avoid getting hooked.
Nick has over 24 years of experience developing and delivering training courses. Twenty years of that has been spent developing partner sales, pre-sales, and technical training, along with end user courses for cybersecurity organisations.
At HelpSystems, Nick is focused on ensuring that our customers get the best value from their solutions by understanding how they can address their key cybersecurity business issues.
John is Research Director at Computing and Delta, where he tracks developments in the IT market and monitors technology choices made by IT leaders.