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About this webinar:
Ransomware is a modern-day scourge. Criminals seek out weakness and exploit it mercilessly, locking systems, exfiltrating data and blackmailing victims. Organisations of all sizes in all sectors have been brought down by ransomware in recent months with others caught in the crossfire, and it's getting worse.
Last year saw a record number of ransomware incidents, and there are predictions that by 2031 there will be a ransomware attack every 2 seconds. Never has the adage "it's not only if but when and how many" been more appropriately applied.
Like a virus, ransomware and the tactics of its perpetrators is constantly evolving. The modern enterprise has an enormous attack surface and there will always be a new way in. The question then becomes, how do we prevent or limit the damage?
During this webseminar we'll be looking at how ransomware is changing, where it is likely to go next, how to recover from an attack and how solutions like continuous data protection may present the best defence.
John is Research Director at Computing and Delta, where he tracks developments in the IT market and monitors technology choices made by IT leaders.
Chris Rogers is a Technology Evangelist at Zerto with 11 years of experience as an IT Professional focusing on data center virtualization and Data Protection. Chris is passionate about helping organizations remain resilient and running amidst cybersecurity threats like ransomware. Chris has a technical background but has spent much time working with business leaders and translating identified ‘business requirements’ into resilient technical solutions, and ultimately strives to translate technical innovation to business value. https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-rogers-zerto/