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Privilege sprawl can quickly get out of hand. Privileged accounts can grant special access to other accounts in a way that is hard to manage, and so it goes on. The consequence? A greatly increased attack surface.

Unfortunately, the evolution of secure account management technology has left several gaping holes and ambiguities which make sprawl all but inevitable. Modern Privileged Access Management systems (PAMs) are built on older Privileged Account Management systems, sometimes referred to as password vaults, confusingly also called PAMs, and the muddle doesn't end there.

There has been a blurring of the roles between super user and personal admin accounts. The rules have become complex and hard for admins and security staff to understand. With the mix of cloud-based and on-premises IAM and password management solutions in play, attackers take advantage of this confusion, using abandoned or over-privileged accounts to move laterally across the network.

So what's the answer?

Organisations need to simplify account management by logically separating super user accounts from normal admin. They need to tame the sprawl using the principle of Zero Standing Privileges to discover and remove all unnecessary admin accounts, then adopt a just-in-time (JIT), task based approach granting just enough privileges only when they are needed and only as long as required.

Join us for this live webinar in which we'll be walking through Zero Standing Privileges and the JIT access and showing how they can tighten security and ease management across all types of architectures and organisations.

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John Leonard

John Leonard

Research Director, Computing

John is Research Director at Computing and Delta, where he tracks developments in the IT market and monitors technology choices made by IT leaders.
Martin Cannard

Martin Cannard

VP of Product Strategy, Netwrix

Martin has over 30 years of experience in the privileged access management and security space. In fact, Martin led the privileged access team at BeyondTrust, taking its password management solution from unknown to a recognized leader in the industry in just 3 years. We’re delighted that both Martin and that solution are now part of the Netwrix family.


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